Team Win Recovery Project TWRP & Root Samsung Galaxy Note 8 N950N N950F N950FD N950X
In NO way it is compatible with Snapdragon variants including but not limited to American(U/A/T/P/V), Chinese(0/8/6), Hong Kong(0), Japanese(SC-*), Canadian(W) variants.
Special Notes:
- DON'T FORGET TO ENABLE "OEM UNLOCK" (located in Developers options).
- KNOX will be tripped once you flashed custom binaries to your phone.
- (Your warranty may be voided. However this may not affect you if your country forces Samsung to provide hardware warranty regardless of software status.)
- Samsung Firmware OTA (aka System Updates) will no longer work once you flashed custom binaries.
(You can flash custom ROMs if you want to keep the OS up-to-date.)
Download: greatlte (Exynos variants - N950F/FD/X/N)
File Server: Google Drive
(Wait 5s then SKIP AD)
-A mouse pointer shows on display